BMG includes 7 lawyers :




Agnès MARTIN-GOURVAT has more than 25 years of experience in company and commercial law, as a corporate lawyer (ALSTHOM ATLANTIQUE), legal advisor and lawyer (FIDAL-) and then as the co-founder of BMG law firm.

Apart from her university studies in law, she holds a DESS in business management and a University Degree in commercial lease management and has real a expertise in company law (creation, legal structuring, mergers, business audit, restructuring, transfer, acquisitions, etc.) in commercial law (goodwill, commercial leases, contracts, etc.)

She also carried out internal training missions for regional companies of all sizes, training organizations and the Regional Center for the training of lawyers, and for several years served as Administrator with CARPA TOULOUSE MIDI- PYRENEES.

Isabelle BASTIDE

Isabelle BASTIDE


Graduated from the National School of taxes (ENI) of the Ecole Nationale des Impôts, Isabelle Bastide has over 25 years of experience in tax law, as an auditor with the tax administration and then as an associate tax lawyer (FIDAL Paris, International department and Toulouse) and as a co-founder of BMG.

Her activity concerns both the field of advice (creation, restructuring of companies, advice to expatriates and impatriates) as well as litigation for structures and individuals.

She has real expertise in the field of business auditing, both in a purely French context as well as for international groups.

She performs internal training assignments with regional companies of all sizes in different areas of taxation and works with the Toulouse Business School and the University of Toulouse I.

She is also a member and former administrator of the Institut des Avocats Conseils Fiscaux.



A graduate of the University of TOULOUSE 1 CAPITOLE in LAW and PRACTICES OF MEDIATION IN COMMERCIAL AND SOCIAL MATTERS, she is involved in both judicial and conventional mediations. She is registered on the list of appeal courts of Agen, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Paris, and Toulouse. She is co-founder of the Association ESPACE MEDIATION & IDEES – E M I which aims to promote, develop and practice mediation.